
Declassification II: A Guazabara Against the Martians

Case of the Martian Invasion in 1492: A Guazabara Against the Martians. Here the Second Part of our Creative Nonfiction article covering the inauguration of the Extremophile Caribbean Congress. The first of its nature celebrated in Dominican Republic…
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A Teteo in Freakyland

This text is our first Fiction Review. An imaginative exploration of the book Dominican Splendours by the Dominican artist and writer, Vladimir Velázquez. Written in a Spanglish style, due to the street argot used by the author in many of the original tales. We considered useless to add a glossary explaining the Spanish words and phrases. That would take off from the reading experience its EXTREMOPHILE quality...
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Edgar Allan Poe

A sleepwalker addicted to Poe

The sentence was: "That what was read awakened, be live through in dreams." He accepted it after hearing, a given day of his solar existence, a shadowy voice swears: "To read Poe is an extremophile experience, but nothing compares to dream it." So, the creepy tome titled Deadly Extremophile Stories by E. A. Poe, very soon found its way into the necromancer's cauldron...
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Mentes Paralelas: Tokischa, una popola surrealista

Figuras como Tokischa y Rochy RD visibilizan a los «deplorables», a las personas no convencionales, a los excluidos de la sociedad dominicana con un atrevimiento de formas y actitudes ...
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Declassification II: Cacibaquel's Prophecy

Case of the Martian Invasion in 1492 Cacibaquel’s Prophecy. The first bad omen was the heavy rain. One would say it was the apocalypse making pee with a witch’s vagina. Inside the building was falling another kind of raining —words; seemingly inspired by a drunk cemí...
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MMRtv-01: Brujos haitianos protestan en la frontera

MMRtv-01: Haitian sorcerers protest on the borderland

The papa bocos get apart forming a hall at the end of which, just over the extreme south of the map, corresponding to the department of Grand'Anse, a black goat appears…
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